For Those Suffering & The Ones Supporting Them
(personally & professionally)
Friday June 10 & Saturday June 11, 2022
Begins in...
Harry Derbitsky
President of ACT
Advanced Coaches Training Inc.
Harry Derbitsky is an International Three Principles Educator, webinar co-host of TAWHID: Spiritual Unity of the Three Principles, co-host of Addiction, Alcoholism and The Three Principles, lead coach for the MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATIONS Group along with working with the indigenous and clients from every continent. Derbitsky is an author of four books including his latest, Evolution of Addiction Recovery Re-Opened-Book 2. Derbitsky was an early student of Sydney Banks and personally benefited professionally and personally from Sydney’s message of pure truth.
Kathryn Jones
CEO & Founder
Back To The Fitrah Mentoring Academy
Kathryn’s mission is to make a difference in the Muslim world by empowering Muslim adults and children to realise their potential through learning about the innate resilience and mental health that all human beings possess. She goes to the source of the misunderstandings that prevent people from recognising their in-built well-being (their Fitrah).
She is the founder of the Back To The Fitrah Academy, dedicated to the development of certified facilitators and mentors of the Back To The Fitrah suite of programs across the globe.
The Addiction in the Muslim World Conference was inspired by discussions between Kathryn and Harry on how we can provide the Muslim community with a spiritual solution to the suffering of addiction.
Bringing together both Muslim and non-Muslim expertise in this challenging area, we hope to provide a safe, non-judgemental space for everyone to discover the hope and possibility of a full recovery from addiction to a happy and productive life.
And best of all, attending live is FREE!
What you will discover at this life changing & inspiring conference:
"IF YOU WANT CHANGE, it must be in a positive way—it cannot be in a negative way because that will keep the falseness alive. Once you see the falseness of your thought system, it releases Wisdom and heads us into a positive reality. Then, we see Alcohol for what it is i.e. it is only a human being giving it the power through Lack of Consciousness or Lack of Understanding." [Sydney Banks - From Thought and Alcoholism Talk]
There is Hope ...
Stories of complete recovery and the possibility to live life beyond addiction so you can believe it is possible for you too!
Off the Hook ...
An understanding of addiction from an emotional and spiritual perspective and appreciate that you innocently fell into this suffering.
It is Possible ...
Insight into how our human experience works in this Dunyah (worldly life) and that it is the same for everyone, so what is possible for one is possible for anyone!
In Relation to Allah ...
A compassionate explanation that just because you are addicted doesn't mean you are a bad Muslim and that a simple shift in understanding, you can return to the straight path, in sha Allah.
End of Suffering ...
The simple yet profound understanding of the power of thought that can be your saviour or your destruction, depending on how you use it.
And so much more ...
Barbara Smith
Barbara is a licensed clinical social worker over 40 years of experience, primarily in the addiction field. She is the author of Addiction: One Cause, One Solution ,co- written with a colleague in Scotland and presently is working on a new book on mental health. She is co-host of the webinar series, Recovery from the Inside-Out.
Professor Abdalla
Professor Mohamad Abdalla has worked in the field of Islamic Studies for over 25 years and played a leading role in establishing Islamic Studies across Australian universities. In 2020, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service, for his significant service to education in the field of Islamic studies.
Rayesa Gheewala
Rayesa is a Back To The Fitrah certified mentor and has developed a deep understanding of the connection between our Islamic teachings and the Inside Out Psychological paradigm that is taught at Back To The Fitrah.
Anonymous Guests
Hear directly from a recovered addict and a doctor who works on the front line in addiction. Both guests remain anonymous until you meet them in the conference for privacy reasons. It is a sensitive topic and we believe discretion is incredibly important.
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