A special invitation to my sister in Islam,
Have you ever felt ...
... like no matter what you do, it always feels like there is never enough time for everything, that your life seems to be about chasing everyone else's agendas and not your own.
That the stresses just keep piling on and you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.
And that as a result you end up being impatient and losing it to the ones you love and then really regret it afterwards?
I have found that ...
... when we understand the truth of our human experience, along with an understanding of our beautiful Deen, life can be an amazing adventure, filled with clarity, confidence and inner calm. All the stresses and frustrations we have experienced in the past fall away.
In fact, we are all OK, because ...
Allah tells us He will not burden us with more than we can bear.
We have all been through so much ... so many tests ... things as difficult as being bullied, divorce, maybe different types of abuse, loss of loved ones, and so much more. We can all live a life of passion and purpose, we don't need to be held back by the traumas of the past. It is possible for everyone, even you.
Today I want to invite you to ...
... join me for the Peaceful Hearts online program where I will share with you the key to your emotional and spiritual health.